We wish to make Observations on the proposed New Galway City Plan. We note the understandable concern that the height of new developments in the Historic Quarter would be harmonious with the scale of the existing buildings. Nonetheless we consider there are some sites within the historic quarter which afford an opportunity for a greater intensity of development.
We attach a Capacity study completed on one such site which is in back lands between Abbeygate Street Upper, Eglinton Street, William Street and Mary Street. At no point do the 5/7 storey buildings proposed impinge on the historic streetscape. The scheme as drawn affords a great opportunity to create a new street through the site linking Eglinton Street to William Street, and another potential connection from Eglinton Street to Abbeygate Street.
In support of our observations, we would comment on the following clauses in the Galway City Council - Draft City Development Plan 2023-2029:
Section 10 Compact Growth and Regeneration
This section identifies Regeneration and Opportunity sites; however, some significant back land sites are not identified within the plan including the back lands described above to the rear of the An Post building on Eglinton Street. Back land sites should be clearly identified in the plan and be open for consideration for greater height and density.
We outline below our comments on the supporting Document, Titled, ‘Urban Design and Building Heights Study’
6.6 Areas of proposed development
The study proposes various areas of development but does not consider back land sites within the historic City Core.
We argue that within the city centre conservation area, there are several back-land sites that could be developed to a higher density with no detrimental impact to the character of the conservation area. We reference the site mentioned above.
8.2 Floor Area Ratio - City Centre.
Within Cities at appropriate locations plot ratios between 4 and 5 are deemed acceptable provided all other issues are addressed. This intensification of use, for example, is essential to attract International Businesses to the City Centre as they will require substantial office space and potential for growth. The only other option is a suburban site which is counter intuitive in respect of how we wish to develop the ‘15-minute city ‘, a city where work / live and play are all within walkable distances. Applying the morphology of the Historic quarter to all sites in a broad-brush manner will be detrimental to the Future development potential of the city. Opportunities such as the one attached should be identified as sites inviting one -off innovative design solutions.
We trust you will take our Observations into consideration.
We request that backland sites be added for consideration as development sites, in this case, specifically the site bounded by Abbeygate Street Upper, Eglinton Street, William Street and Mary Street.
We believe there are some sites within the historic quarter which afford an opportunity for a greater intensity of development without harming the character of the surrounding area and creating it's own character with new public realm and improved pedestrian connectivity.