The cycling and walking section makes heavy reference to the GTS which, although in place since 2016, has delivered virtually no improvements to cycle infrastructure in the city. As a reminder, there are almost no cycle paths between Salthill and Renmore and there is no safe route for cyclists through the centre of the city.
There are several piecemeal improvements (e.g. new pedestrian / cycle bridge over the Corrib) but the plans show very little regard for the needs for cyclists to have coherent, segregated routes that they can use to traverse the city. The cycling map itself in the document shows no route for cyclists through the city centre.
As the recent vote over a temporary cycleway in Salthill shows, some residents, businesses and councillors are extremely resistent to anything that will reduce car parking. There is nothing in the GTS or the plan itself to indicate how this resistence will be countered. Since a cycle network of the kind that is outlined in the document will absolutely require space to be taken away from cars, and given the 8 years remaining to achieve 50% emissions reductions, there needs to be a lot more concrete detail available right now on exactly where, and how, these improvements will happen.
That the cycle routes be designed according to journeys that people will actually want to make, rather than what can be done with the minimum of disruption to motorists.