Galway city has a very large population of young adults, teenagers and children that need facilities like spacious transition skateparks and street style plaza skateparks to express their creative side, expell negative energy, exercise and socialize.
Galway city has three very near unusable skateparks, even with the poor attempt at renovating Millennium skatepark. Westside and Doughiske skateparks are health and safety hazards as they stand.
The pandemics shown us more than ever that sports like skateboarding and BMX will always be there for you in the darkest times and are invaluable to a person's physical and mental health. Please work with local people who are knowledgeable about these sports to create facilities that Galwegians are begging for for decades.
The creation of high standard, modern skateparks with the view to last maintenance free and sustainable for decades
To grow the uptake of sports within more demographics.
Positive action for Galways youth.
Support the local community.
Feed local creativity and positivity.