Galway Dev Plan - 2022 - Active Travel

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Aran Murray
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 
Aran Murray

Litir Chumhdaigh


I'm an Engineering manager and resident of Galway. I have lived throughout Ireland and across Europe.

I'm glad to see the development plan and hope action will be taken to move the city in the right direction to fulfill its potential.


Chapter 4: Sustainable Mobility and Transportation


There's a great opportunity for Galway to catch up on some of our European counterparts and lead the way in sustainable, active travel while also making the city a happier and healthier place to live.



- Pedestrians&nbsp;



* Change car culture - give the pedestrian the right of way by utilising some of the following mechanisms



* Continuous Paths&nbsp; - make the car slow down at a junction allow right of way to Pedestrians



* Increase the number of Raised Zebra Crossings - cars don't allows obey zebra crossings. Raising them forces the car to slow down. Similarly there should be more of them. They should be present outside all schools and communities centres. An example on St Mary's Rd. The bridge club should have one linking it to the school carpark where kostmof the elderly people park.&nbsp;



* Reduce crossing distances for pedestrians - bring in verges to slow down traffic and lessen the distance for pedestrians to cross.



*Improve Paths - Many of the current paths around the city centre are not universally designed. Paths can be uneven and slant towards the road, making it difficult for elderly people, buggies and wheelchairs. Curbs can be too high also, making them difficult to navigate.



* Deter/Police poor parking - Cars are often parked on footpaths obstructing Pedestrians, forcing them on the road to navigate around.&nbsp;



* Remove kissing gates - they too are difficult to navigate for aforementioned pedestrians



* Make the city more permeable to Pedestrians - create safe walkways through the city encouraging healthy excercise and shorter journeys



* Increase mechanisms to slow traffic near schools&nbsp;






- Cycling&nbsp;



* Improve and increase bike parking spaces - there isn't enough. Apply the standards! Add shelters. Move them nearer to destinations.. do not position them at the back of a parking lot. Encourage this sustainable transport method.



* Implement two way cycle lanes on one way streets.&nbsp;



* Increase Cycle lanes - make it safer to travel by bike!






- Create more gender neutral places to socialise, which leads the way in Europe



* Go further to encourage outdoor dining and socialising - show commitment to creating a city of visible food and culture, by working with this industry to create more appealing outdoor spaces, which are not half arsed jobs of Guinnes umbrellas and temporary hording. Bring in a sense of rich, class that diversifies from a solely pub culture and attracts a greater national and international audience.



* Bring Green into our City - Humans are made of nature, but we're surrounded by cement. We will benefit from more green spaces. More trees. Health, Climate and Nature.&nbsp;



* Increase Gender neutral areas for child and teen socialising - the playgrounds have been a great success but there's not much for kids beyond the age of 10, particularly females. Pitches and skateparks are great, but don't appeal to all. Public Gardens with areas catering for socialising should be increased. Similarly the city should offer more alternative sports such as basketball and tennis which may appeal to a more diverse crowd.



Galway should be active travel focused with a particular focus on pedestrians. We can improve our city making it safer and easier to navigate for all, while also meeting a sustainable goal


Continuous Paths

Increase Zebra Crossings

Reduce Crossings

Change Culture

Improve Cycle Infrastructure

Improve / Increase Green Spaces

Main reasons: 

The city has such potential, but it is lagging behind Europe. We need to make our city safer, cleaner, sustainable and more attractive place to grow, live and work.


Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 