SAUTI-Youth is advocating for a more meaningful engagement with young people in the governance process specifically in relation to climate adaptation and mitigation policies.
In the Development plan the need of community behavioural change to reach the climate action targets is mentioned. However, this can only be achieved through a participatory process where the community needs and concerns are listened to.
Young people simply don’t feel that their voice is heard. The decisions, which are made at local level now, are going to greatly affect their future but they can not have any real input on them.
Not only do we need a consultation methodology that is more inclusive but also the local government needs to show that they are actually listening and that it is not only a tokenistic exercise.
Young people are eager to participate and they can bring new energy and a different perspective to the table. They can be active contributors to make climate action a reality in Galway if given the chance. Many youth organisations on the ground are working to support them so what we are asking is to create proper channels where young people can meaningfully interact with local authorities. A first step could be the creation of a seat for young people at the Climate Action, Environment, Recreation & Amenity SPC as happened already in Wicklow County Council.
Young people simply don’t feel that their voice is heard. The decisions, which are made at local level now, are going to greatly affect their future but they can not have any real input on them.
Not only do we need a consultation methodology that is more inclusive but also the local government needs to show that they are actually listening and that it is not only a tokenistic exercise.
Many youth organisations on the ground are working to support them so what we are asking is to create proper channels where young people can meaningfully interact with local authorities. A first step could be the creation of a seat for young people at the Climate Action, Environment, Recreation & Amenity SPC as happened already in Wicklow County Council.
Young people simply don’t feel that their voice is heard. The decisions, which are made at local level now, are going to greatly affect their future but they can not have any real input on them.