Music Generation Galway City
“Imagine if every child and young person in Ireland could grow up as part of a community where they could experience inclusion, creativity, diversity and empowerment through music.” (Music Generation National Strategy)
Music Generation Galway City is a performance music education service for children and young people in Galway City that will provide opportunities for children and young people to access a range of high quality, subsidised vocal and instrumental tuition in their local area. It is managed and supported locally by The GRETB, Galway City Council, Galway City Partnership, Foróige, Youth Work Ireland and Involve. Initiated by Music Network, Music Generation is co-funded by U2, The Ireland Funds, the Department of Education and Skills and Local Music Education Partnerships (LMEPs).
At present Music Generation Galway City is providing vital subsidised provision for young people across Galway City to access insruments, music education and performance opportinities no matter what their background is. It is vital that Music Generation continues to receive support from Local music Education Partners and Galway City Council to allow it to grow and develop, ensuring access to music education is considered at all levels within our local communities, educational youth settings, festivals and music venues for Galway citie's young people.
Digital Youth Work
Digital transformation is affecting our societies in a myriad of ways. Young people’s entire lives will be shaped by these changes. Youth work’s purpose is to support the personal and social development of young people. The sector’s unconstrained non-formal educational approach makes it uniquely placed to respond to young people’s needs in a digitalising society and play a significant role in bridging the digital divide and promoting inclusion. Digital youth work can use technology to make youth work services more accessible and relevant. It can create opportunities and spaces in which young people can develop a critical, innovative and value-based perspective on the digital transformation, and become the coconstructors of a positive digital future.
Invest in Galway Cities Youth Services and Youth Spaces, consider the needs of young people from Galway City to be curious to new emerging trends in the field of Digital Youth Work at a european level.
Strategy: Embed digital youth work into your organisation’s strategy and vision Culture: Innovative and experimental - try new approaches, learn from failure and succeed
Governance and Management: Integrate digital considerations into policies, ethical standards, processes and planning Human Resources: Provide regular training for staff and volunteers to build their competencies and challenge resistant mindsets
Infrastructure: Equip staff and young people with essential software, hardware, equipment, tools and connectivity
Partnerships: Capitalise on cross-sectoral partnerships while maintaining youth work values
Gaeilge don Óige i gCathair na Gaillimhe
Tá 37 beart sa Phlean Teanga gCathair na Gaillimhe, lonnaithe sna cúig réimse a pléadh i gCaibidlí 6-10, le
Tá sé tabhachtach go bhfuil muid ag chur béim sa stráitéis ar an obair a bhfuil deanta ag pobal na Gaeilge i gGallimh. Táimid ag iarrfaidh anois feicáíl go bhfuil seans ag Daoine Óige an múinín a forbairt leis an teanga i gGallimh tríd na cuid eagraíochtí a bhfuil páírteach sa plean.
Beidh an tOifigeach Pleanála Teanga lonnaithe i gComhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe. Beidh an té a cheapfar freagrach don Cheanneagraíocht (Comhairle Cathrach na Gaillimhe agus Gaillimh le Gaeilge) Ina theannta sin, beidh tacaíocht agus treoir ar fáil don Oifigeach Pleanála Teanga ón bhFochoiste Gaeilge de chuid an Choiste Straitéiseach Beartais na Comhairle a bheas comhdhéanta de na baill ó na heagrais eile atá lárnach i bhfeidhmiú an Phlean Teanga seo. Bheadh an tOifigeach Pleanála Teanga ag obair i bpáirt leis an Oifigeach Gaeilge.
Highlight and consider the vital strategies an plans that are being considered at national and international level for this three areas in Galway Cities community and Culture plan.
Positive outcomes for young people in Galway City and equal access to education, community and culture.