Chapter 7 Community and Culture
This chapter gives consideration to SDG3, Health and Wellbeing, by setting out the intent to support the participation of the city in the National Healthy Cities and Counties of Ireland Network and the implementation of the Healthy Galway City Strategy 2019- 2021. Of relevance to measurable items on the SDG GFI there is a stated intent to support the development and expansion of existing healthcare infrastructure by the HSE, statutory and voluntary agencies and private healthcare providers, including community-based care, mental health and social care services as appropriate, in accordance with the local need and the regional role of the city (p.196). The attainment of progress can be measured by an adaption of SDG GFI 3.5.1: Coverage of treatment interventions (pharmacological, psychosocial and rehabilitation and aftercare services).
The chapter also contains items of relevance for SDG 4 Quality Education. The intent is to support the ongoing development and provision of third level education, and community based further education and lifelong learning in the city while ensuring those opportunities are accessible for people with disabilities (p.194) This can support the attainment of SDG GFI 4.4 that by 2030 there will be a substantial increase in the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship . This can be partially measured by SDG GFI 4.4.1, the proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill. It is also important to consider disparities in educational attainment under SDG GFI 4.5. So, access to education as supported by the expansion of educational infrastructure can be measured by SDG GFI 4.5.1 Parity indices (e.g., female/male, rural/urban, bottom/top wealth quintile and others such as disability status, minority groups).
This chapter has an action of relevance to SDG 10, the Reduction of Inequality and to a limited extent SDG 4 Gender Equality. It is the intent to facilitate the development of childcare facilities, including afterschool services, at a number of suitable locations, within residential areas, places of employment, the city centre, neighbourhood and district centres, schools, in the vicinity of educational and community establishments and adjacent to public transport nodes in consultation with the Galway Childcare Committee (p. 195). By proactively promoting social inclusion, through the provision of community facilities (p. 190) this aspect of the plan may support the social and economic participation of women in the labour force. This can be measured by SDG GFI 10.2.1: Proportion of people living below 50 per cent of median income, by sex.
In terms of SDG 11, the Council recognises the importance that availability and access to community, social and cultural infrastructure brings to quality of life as experienced in the city and the difference it can make to people’s lives (p.183-4). To achieve this end, it intends to support development in collaboration with key stakeholders, and public participation that affords inclusive, accessible opportunities for everyone that contributes to a high quality of life and wellbeing for all who live work and visit the city (p.184). This will be underpinned by a Social and Community Infrastructure Audit in conjunction with the LECP/LCDC and relevant stakeholders to establish a baseline of services in the city and to ensure adequate community facilities are provided to serve the existing and future targeted population of the city (p.198).The indicators that are of relevance to these actions are SDG GFI 11.3.2: Proportion of cities with a direct participation structure of civil society in urban planning and management that operate regularly and democratically; SDG GFI 11.7.1 the average share of the built-up area of cities that is open space for public use for all, by sex, age and persons with disabilities; and SDG GFI 11.a.1 regional development plans that (a) respond to population dynamics; and (b) ensures balanced territorial development.
• Monitoring plays a crucial role in understanding how effective the Development Plan objectives are in contributing to Ireland's commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The Council will establish a methodology, based on a selection of appropriate indicators from the SDG Global Framework indicators. Therefore, each chapter should include actions and name the specific targets and indicators from the Global Indicator Framework which they relate to.
• These appropriate indicators will be included in Appendix 1 (p.327) and integrated into the methodology outlined in the Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Report (p.60) and plan arising from a Public Sector Duty Assessment.
• GCC will undertake its required Public Sector Duty Assessment, across all aspects of the Councils responsibilities, within year 1 of the new plan. The plans and actions developed to address issues raised in the equality and human rights assessment will include the appropriate SDG indicators.
• The Chief Executive's two-year report will include a review of the progress achieved in relation to the SDGs and any recommendations necessary to ensure that Ireland's commitment to achieve the SDGs by 2030 will be realised.
• GCCN, as the Public Participation Network for Galway City should be named as a key stakeholder as provided for in the Local Government Reform Act 2014.
• The actions of this plan should integrate ‘Target 16.7: ‘Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels’ within Appendix 1: Implementation and Monitoring to centre meaningful engagement of communities and young people in the implementation and monitoring of the plan.
The attainment of the SDGs is of crucial importance towards mitigating crises in the future, and securing the human rights of citizens, so cannot be separated from Public Sector Duty.