Chapter 4 Mobility and Transport
This chapter takes into consideration the need to improve and expand upon various modes of travel in order to ensure that the is a reduction in emissions by 7% each year while sustaining future population growth (projected as 50% population growth within the Metropolitan Area by 2040) (pp.88 & 91). In addition to SDG 13 (SDG GFI 13.2.20) this is highly relevant to SDG 11 as land use planning and the development of sustainable transport patterns are linked in practice (pp. 90 & 92). Once again, SDG 11.3.1 is of regarding the ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate is of relevance here. Furthermore, the intent to ensure that public transport modes are accessible (p. 111) can be assessed by SDG GFI 11.2.1, the proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport, by sex, age and persons with disabilities.
• Monitoring plays a crucial role in understanding how effective the Development Plan objectives are in contributing to Ireland's commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The Council will establish a methodology, based on a selection of appropriate indicators from the SDG Global Framework indicators. Therefore, each chapter should include actions and name the specific targets and indicators from the Global Indicator Framework which they relate to.
• These appropriate indicators will be included in Appendix 1 (p.327) and integrated into the methodology outlined in the Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Report (p.60) and plan arising from a Public Sector Duty Assessment.
• GCC will undertake its required Public Sector Duty Assessment, across all aspects of the Councils responsibilities, within year 1 of the new plan. The plans and actions developed to address issues raised in the equality and human rights assessment will include the appropriate SDG indicators.
• The Chief Executive's two-year report will include a review of the progress achieved in relation to the SDGs and any recommendations necessary to ensure that Ireland's commitment to achieve the SDGs by 2030 will be realised.
• GCCN, as the Public Participation Network for Galway City should be named as a key stakeholder as provided for in the Local Government Reform Act 2014.
• The actions of this plan should integrate ‘Target 16.7: ‘Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels’ within Appendix 1: Implementation and Monitoring to centre meaningful engagement of communities and young people in the implementation and monitoring of the plan.
The attainment of the SDGs is of crucial importance towards mitigating crises in the future, and securing the human rights of citizens, so cannot be separated from Public Sector Duty.