Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Munster Avenue Residents Association

Chapter 4: Sustainable Mobility and Transportation

In the new proposed City Development plan in Section 4 Sustainable Mobility and Transportation, it seems to be favouring less on street parking which ideally is a good thing, I myself use a bicycle for most trips around Galway but I still need a car in certain situations, but the reality is any new high density developments will have a large percentage op people who have cars and the trend it seems from the City Council is to provide on street parking permits when the streets in Munster Avenue are used by non residents and residents can't even park in there own street.Even the footpaths are now being used for parking which I have informed the parking section in the City Council.

Also it has come to our attention that a plan to block off one end of Munster Avenue for a large part of the year to encourage on street outdoor drinking. This in the past has caused chaos for the locals as people have been using Munster Avenue as a public toilet and the noise and public order issues are not being taken into consideration by the City Council. This would also make traffic here impossible to deal with only one entrance/Exit and with Funerals at O'Flaherty's Funeral home an evening occurrence traffic jams are a evening/nightly occurrence. If an ambulance or fire brigade needs access to the area it would be near impossible to get here to Munster Avenue in a hurry.