Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Munster Avenue Residents Association
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 
Munster Avenue Residents Association


Chapter 11: Land Use Zoning Objectives and Development Standards and Guidelines

Proposed change of Density Zoning

We, the residents believe that if a change in zoning to well established neighbourhood's such as Munster Avenue were allowed to go ahead it would have a detrimental effect on the quality of our neighbourhood. If it were allowed to change from a Low Density Residential Zoning, as was the case in the 2017-2023 Plan, to a High Density Residential Zoning we believe this would rip the fabric of our neighbourhood and change it for the worst.

We are asking for Munster Avenue to have special recognition as an inner city residential area.It is located in the West of Galway City and some houses date back to the 1940's which are still lived in by family's for generations and who have spent time and money upgrading these houses by making them more sustainable by improving the heating retention and efficiency. Surely the plan should not be trying to drive out local's who are the heart and soul of Galway and who take pride in their area. We are surrounded by neighbourhood's with special recognition and keeping them as LOR Zoning area's.

We are asking that Munster Avenue also retains the status of being a Low Density Residential Zoning area. The changes proposed in this new plan will only drive out local family's and the special atmosphere the West End of Galway will be forever lost.

In section 3.2 there are many new proposals regarding housing strategy but no mention regarding a balance on existing housing and how this would affect the sustainability of these neighbourhoods.In the Table 3.1 there is no mention of Munster Avenue either in INNER RESIDENTIAL AREAS or CITY CENTRE RESIDENTIAL sections. Have we been forgotten about? We still pay property tax. We should be included in the CITY CENTRE RESIDENTIAL section the same as the Henry Street area.



As I'm sure your aware of the flooding issues Munster Avenue has been experiencing for years which has only got worse and with projections on climate change showing rainfall is only going to increase any overdevelopment in Munster Avenue will not only affect the existing housing but also any new housing.Flood insurance is no longer available to homeowners in Munster Avenue.

Has Has any IMPACT STUDY been carried out on changing from Low Density Residential Zoning to a High Density Residential Zoning do regarding the increase and severity of flooding in Munster Avenue

Chapter 4: Sustainable Mobility and Transportation

In the new proposed City Development plan in Section 4 Sustainable Mobility and Transportation, it seems to be favouring less on street parking which ideally is a good thing, I myself use a bicycle for most trips around Galway but I still need a car in certain situations, but the reality is any new high density developments will have a large percentage op people who have cars and the trend it seems from the City Council is to provide on street parking permits when the streets in Munster Avenue are used by non residents and residents can't even park in there own street.Even the footpaths are now being used for parking which I have informed the parking section in the City Council.

Also it has come to our attention that a plan to block off one end of Munster Avenue for a large part of the year to encourage on street outdoor drinking. This in the past has caused chaos for the locals as people have been using Munster Avenue as a public toilet and the noise and public order issues are not being taken into consideration by the City Council. This would also make traffic here impossible to deal with only one entrance/Exit and with Funerals at O'Flaherty's Funeral home an evening occurrence traffic jams are a evening/nightly occurrence. If an ambulance or fire brigade needs access to the area it would be near impossible to get here to Munster Avenue in a hurry.


Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 