Draft City Development Plan - Access for all

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Access for All
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 
Access for All

Litir Chumhdaigh

Attached and pasted below is Galway Access for All's submission for changes to the Draft City Development Plan. Thank you for the opportunity to propose these changes. We look forward to hearing back from you.


Rose Foley, member, on behalf of Galway Access for All




PAGE 11 IN PDF (Page 9 in actual plan), under STRATEGIC POLICY FRAMEWORK (after bullet point UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) was ratified by the Irish Government in 2018. It comprises 50 Articles that promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and promote respect for their inherent dignity. The UNCRPD must be reflected in all policies within the Local Authority. Each chapter will include UNCRPD Articles to show the alignment between the chapters and the goals and to ensure the inclusion of disabled people within Galway City

Chapter 1: Core Strategy

PAGE 16 IN PDF (Page 14 in actual plan), under 1.2:  STRATEGIC VISION FOR GALWAY CITY: Aspire to make Galway an equal and inclusive city, particularly through facilitating all forms of social inclusion in the built environment, including in the public realm, housing, and community facilities and in the ability to access services, amenities, employment opportunities and public transportation in accordance with the UNCRPD.

PAGE 20 (Page 18 in actual plan) under Policy 1.3 Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan (MASP): Recognise the importance of the Galway Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan (MASP) in the delivery of strategic growth with critical mass that supports the development of the city and existing surrounding settlements as strong, attractive urban places, supported by a level of services and infrastructure that creates successful, sustainable, universally accessible and socially inclusive communities and which harnesses the strengths associated with scale to maximise economic opportunities and supports investment.

PAGE 32 (Page 30 in actual plan), under 1.5.3 Core Strategy Statement: To deliver on the compact growth approach, the strategy seeks to concentrate a significant amount of development that is, at least half of all new homes within the built footprint of the city and thereby accord with sustainable principles and the NPF/RSES objectives as well as the UNCRPD for housing delivery for people with disabilities.

PAGE 42 (Page 40 in actual plan), under Policy 1.4 Core Strategy: 7. Support the local community goals of the LECP to reduce poverty and alleviate disadvantage in the city by proactively promoting all forms of social inclusion, accessibility in the built environment and public realm, housing, community facilities, employment opportunities, and transport in accordance with the UNCRPD.

Chapter 3: Housing and Sustainable Neighbourhoods

PAGE 66 (Page 64 in actual plan), under 3.2 Housing Strategy: Housing for Specialist Needs: The need to facilitate independent living and supported community based living with maximum independence and choice for people with disabilities, in accordance with the UNCRPD, is supported by the Council through specialist housing provision and specific housing adaptation grants to enable people with a physical, sensory, mental health or intellectual disability to make modifications and adaptation to their homes.

PAGE 68 (Page 66 in actual plan), under Policy 3.1 Housing Strategy: 12. Proactively promote the specific housing needs of persons with disabilities within City Council and AHB housing developments in order to meet the demand for such special needs accommodation in the interests of social inclusion and in accordance with the UNCRPD.

PAGE 75 (Page 73 in actual plan), under Streets and Movement: Connectivity and Permeability: Provide universal convenient access to places, particularly to schools and places of work. Routes within the area should be accessible for everyone including the needs of all users, including the

PAGE 76 (Page 74 in actual plan), under Universal Design: The application of universal design principles and lifetime adaptability in the design and layout of new development is more inclusive and future proofs housing for changes in individual lifecycles. This approach assumes that every person experiences barriers, reduced functioning, or some form of disability, either temporary or permanent, at some stage in life. It seeks to make public places and the built environment accessible, understood and used comfortably and with minimum effort and to the greatest extent possible by all people, regardless of their age, size, ability or disability. Best practice guidance including Buildings for Everyone (2012) by the NDA provides guidance on the design of accessible spaces. Further, the promotion of universal design is a general obligation under Article 4 (part f) of the UNCRPD.

Chapter 4: Sustainable Mobility and Transportation

PAGE 112 (Page 110 in actual plan), under Accessibility:  With Ireland’s ratification of the UNCRPD in 2018 and as a signatory to the 1995 Barcelona Declaration in June 2002, Galway City Council is committed to promoting universal design and access for all. Public transport should be a key aspect in the delivery of this and requires a ‘whole journey approach’. This refers to all elements that constitute a journey from the starting point to final destination to ensure universal design practices are being implemented throughout the journey. It is an objective of the GTS to foster and sustain an inclusive approach to the operation of the transport network, and all of its constituent travel modes. Network proposals, including both new proposals and the improvement of existing facilities will be undertaken in a manner that fully considers the accessibility requirements of all prospective users.  This plan endorses the National Disability Inclusion Strategy (NDIS) 2017-2021 and ratification by Ireland in 2018 of the UNCRPD (Article 9) for inclusion to support accessibility to all vulnerable road users ... regardless of age, size, ability or disability.

PAGE 113 (Page 111 in actual plan), under Policy 4.6 Road and Street Network and Accessibility:

7. Promote accessibility for people with disabilities and people with reduced mobility and have regard to best practice guidance from the National Disability Authority (NDA) and in accordance with the UNCRPD.

Chapter 7: Community and Culture

PAGE 189 (Page 187 in actual plan), under 7.3 Inclusive City:

(PLEASE NOTE: The UNCRPD, ratified by Ireland in 2018, is more timely and far reaching than the 1995 Barcelona Declaration, which GCC adopted in 2002, and should be mentioned first.)

People with disabilities: Galway City Council is committed to working with people with disabilities and their representative groups to facilitate their access to housing, transport, employment and the built environment. Ireland’s ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in 2018 places an obligation on the Irish state to ensure people with disabilities have equal civil and political, social and economic rights across all sectors. Per these obligations, the Council will work with relevant stakeholders to support the implementation of the UNCRPD at the local level. In addition, in June 2002, the Council adopted the Barcelona Declaration of 1995, which promotes universal access in the public realm, public buildings and services and encourages participation of people with disabilities in the social, economic and cultural life of the city. Galway City Council supports the installation of Changing Places facilities (specialised toilet facilities) in the City and particularly in recreational and amenity spaces. In addition, Galway City Council supports and encourages the provision of these facilities in any new building developments where the public have access in large numbers, such as, educational establishments, cultural buildings, health facilities and sport and leisure facilities. Ireland ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in 2018. This places an obligation on the Irish state to ensure people with disabilities have equal civil and political, social and economic rights across all sectors. Having regarding to obligations under the UNCRPD the Council will work with relevant stakeholders to support the implementation of the UNCRPD at local level. The Council will continue to support the development of a high quality, inclusive, accessible and affordable housing, transport, employment, built environment and public realm though the implementation of disability legislation, the building regulations, Universal Design Guidelines and the Galway City Public Realm Strategy.

PAGE 192 (Page 190 in actual plan), under Policy 7.3 Inclusive City:

2. Proactively promote the various aims of the Council to give effect to the UNCRPD as well as the Barcelona Declaration and support universal design principles to make Galway a more accessible and disability friendly city.

7. Co-operate with the Access for All Network and other organisations representing people with disabilities to provide equal access for all citizens particularly in the area of housing, transport, employment, built environment and the public realm within the city.

Chapter 11: Land Use Zoning Objectives and Development Standards and Guidelines

PAGE 322 (Page 320 in actual plan), under 11.24 Access for All: Part M of the Building Regulations 2010, and Building for Everybody: A Universal Design Approach (National Disability Authority, 2012) sets out standards and best practice to ensure that buildings and the built environment are accessible and usable by everyone, including the elderly, people with disabilities and people with children. Further information available on the website of the National Disability Authority at www.nda.ie. In addition, the promotion of universal design is a general obligation under Article 4 (part f) of the UNCRPD.


Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Líon na ndoiciméad faoi cheangal: 
Teorainneacha Gafa ar an léarscáil: 