Léim go dtí an príomh-inneachar
Logáil isteach sa Tairseach
Logáil isteach sa Tairseach
Highlight and consider the vital strategies an plans that are being considered at national and international level for this three areas in Galway Cities community and Culture plan.
I would like to propose the 5 GCC Public Parking locations are upgraded to facilitate forms of transport other than cars. For example push bikes, eBikes and cargo bikes.
Rezone it as recreational
In relation to Section 3 Housing and Sustainable Development, Galway Simon Community recommends a stronger emphasis on Eradicating Homelessness in line with National Policy outlined in Housing for All.
We request that backland sites be added for consideration as development sites, in this case, specifically the site bounded by Abbeygate Street Upper, Eglinton Street, William Street and Mary Street.
• Monitoring plays a crucial role in understanding how effective the Development Plan objectives are in contributing to Ireland's commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The Council will establish a methodology, based on a selection of appropriate indicators from the SDG Global Framework indicators. Therefore, each chapter should include actions and name the specific targets and indicators from the Global Indicator Framework which they relate to. • These appropriate indicators will be included in Appendix 1 (p.327) and integrated into the methodology outlined in the Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Report (p.60) and plan arising from a Public Sector Duty Assessment. • GCC will undertake its required Public Sector Duty Assessment, across all aspects of the Councils responsibilities, within year 1 of the new plan. The plans and actions developed to address issues raised in the equality and human rights assessment will include the appropriate SDG indicators. • The Chief Executive's two-year report will include a review of the progress achieved in relation to the SDGs and any recommendations necessary to ensure that Ireland's commitment to achieve the SDGs by 2030 will be realised. • GCCN, as the Public Participation Network for Galway City should be named as a key stakeholder as provided for in the Local Government Reform Act 2014. • The actions of this plan should integrate ‘Target 16.7: ‘Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels’ within Appendix 1: Implementation and Monitoring to center meaningful engagement of communities and young people in the implementation and monitoring of the plan.
• Monitoring plays a crucial role in understanding how effective the Development Plan objectives are in contributing to Ireland's commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The Council will establish a methodology, based on a selection of appropriate indicators from the SDG Global Framework indicators. Therefore, each chapter should include actions and name the specific targets and indicators from the Global Indicator Framework which they relate to. • These appropriate indicators will be included in Appendix 1 (p.327) and integrated into the methodology outlined in the Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Report (p.60) and plan arising from a Public Sector Duty Assessment. • GCC will undertake its required Public Sector Duty Assessment, across all aspects of the Councils responsibilities, within year 1 of the new plan. The plans and actions developed to address issues raised in the equality and human rights assessment will include the appropriate SDG indicators. • The Chief Executive's two-year report will include a review of the progress achieved in relation to the SDGs and any recommendations necessary to ensure that Ireland's commitment to achieve the SDGs by 2030 will be realised. • GCCN, as the Public Participation Network for Galway City should be named as a key stakeholder as provided for in the Local Government Reform Act 2014. • The actions of this plan should integrate ‘Target 16.7: ‘Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels’ within Appendix 1: Implementation and Monitoring to centre meaningful engagement of communities and young people in the implementation and monitoring of the plan.
• Monitoring plays a crucial role in understanding how effective the Development Plan objectives are in contributing to Ireland's commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The Council will establish a methodology, based on a selection of appropriate indicators from the SDG Global Framework indicators. Therefore, each chapter should include actions and name the specific targets and indicators from the Global Indicator Framework which they relate to. • These appropriate indicators will be included in Appendix 1 (p.327) and integrated into the methodology outlined in the Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Report (p.60) and plan arising from a Public Sector Duty Assessment. • GCC will undertake its required Public Sector Duty Assessment, across all aspects of the Councils responsibilities, within year 1 of the new plan. The plans and actions developed to address issues raised in the equality and human rights assessment will include the appropriate SDG indicators. • The Chief Executive's two-year report will include a review of the progress achieved in relation to the SDGs and any recommendations necessary to ensure that Ireland's commitment to achieve the SDGs by 2030 will be realised. • GCCN, as the Public Participation Network for Galway City should be named as a key stakeholder as provided for in the Local Government Reform Act 2014. • The actions of this plan should integrate ‘Target 16.7: ‘Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels’ within Appendix 1: Implementation and Monitoring to centre meaningful engagement of communities and young people in the implementation and monitoring of the plan.
• Monitoring plays a crucial role in understanding how effective the Development Plan objectives are in contributing to Ireland's commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The Council will establish a methodology, based on a selection of appropriate indicators from the SDG Global Framework indicators. Therefore, each chapter should include actions and name the specific targets and indicators from the Global Indicator Framework which they relate to. • These appropriate indicators will be included in Appendix 1 (p.327) and integrated into the methodology outlined in the Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Report (p.60) and plan arising from a Public Sector Duty Assessment. • GCC will undertake its required Public Sector Duty Assessment, across all aspects of the Councils responsibilities, within year 1 of the new plan. The plans and actions developed to address issues raised in the equality and human rights assessment will include the appropriate SDG indicators. • The Chief Executive's two-year report will include a review of the progress achieved in relation to the SDGs and any recommendations necessary to ensure that Ireland's commitment to achieve the SDGs by 2030 will be realised. • GCCN, as the Public Participation Network for Galway City should be named as a key stakeholder as provided for in the Local Government Reform Act 2014. • The actions of this plan should integrate ‘Target 16.7: ‘Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels’ within Appendix 1: Implementation and Monitoring to center meaningful engagement of communities and young people in the implementation and monitoring of the plan.
• Monitoring plays a crucial role in understanding how effective the Development Plan objectives are in contributing to Ireland's commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The Council will establish a methodology, based on a selection of appropriate indicators from the SDG Global Framework indicators. Therefore, each chapter should include actions and name the specific targets and indicators from the Global Indicator Framework which they relate to. • These appropriate indicators will be included in Appendix 1 (p.327) and integrated into the methodology outlined in the Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Report (p.60) and plan arising from a Public Sector Duty Assessment. • GCC will undertake its required Public Sector Duty Assessment, across all aspects of the Councils responsibilities, within year 1 of the new plan. The plans and actions developed to address issues raised in the equality and human rights assessment will include the appropriate SDG indicators. • The Chief Executive's two-year report will include a review of the progress achieved in relation to the SDGs and any recommendations necessary to ensure that Ireland's commitment to achieve the SDGs by 2030 will be realised. • GCCN, as the Public Participation Network for Galway City should be named as a key stakeholder as provided for in the Local Government Reform Act 2014. • The actions of this plan should integrate ‘Target 16.7: ‘Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels’ within Appendix 1: Implementation and Monitoring to centre meaningful engagement of communities and young people in the implementation and monitoring of the plan.
• Monitoring plays a crucial role in understanding how effective the Development Plan objectives are in contributing to Ireland's commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The Council will establish a methodology, based on a selection of appropriate indicators from the SDG Global Framework indicators. Therefore, each chapter should include actions and name the specific targets and indicators from the Global Indicator Framework which they relate to. • These appropriate indicators will be included in Appendix 1 (p.327) and integrated into the methodology outlined in the Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Report (p.60) and plan arising from a Public Sector Duty Assessment. • GCC will undertake its required Public Sector Duty Assessment, across all aspects of the Councils responsibilities, within year 1 of the new plan. The plans and actions developed to address issues raised in the equality and human rights assessment will include the appropriate SDG indicators. • The Chief Executive's two-year report will include a review of the progress achieved in relation to the SDGs and any recommendations necessary to ensure that Ireland's commitment to achieve the SDGs by 2030 will be realised. • GCCN, as the Public Participation Network for Galway City should be named as a key stakeholder as provided for in the Local Government Reform Act 2014. • The actions of this plan should integrate ‘Target 16.7: ‘Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels’ within Appendix 1: Implementation and Monitoring to center meaningful engagement of communities and young people in the implementation and monitoring of the plan.
• Monitoring plays a crucial role in understanding how effective the Development Plan objectives are in contributing to Ireland's commitment to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The Council will establish a methodology, based on a selection of appropriate indicators from the SDG Global Framework indicators. Therefore, each chapter should include actions and name the specific targets and indicators from the Global Indicator Framework which they relate to. • These appropriate indicators will be included in Appendix 1 (p.327) and integrated into the methodology outlined in the Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Report (p.60) and plan arising from a Public Sector Duty Assessment. • GCC will undertake its required Public Sector Duty Assessment, across all aspects of the Councils responsibilities, within year 1 of the new plan. The plans and actions developed to address issues raised in the equality and human rights assessment will include the appropriate SDG indicators. • The Chief Executive's two-year report will include a review of the progress achieved in relation to the SDGs and any recommendations necessary to ensure that Ireland's commitment to achieve the SDGs by 2030 will be realised. • GCCN, as the Public Participation Network for Galway City should be named as a key stakeholder as provided for in the Local Government Reform Act 2014. • The actions of this plan should integrate ‘Target 16.7: ‘Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels’ within Appendix 1: Implementation and Monitoring to centre meaningful engagement of communities and young people in the implementation and monitoring of the plan.
The purpose of this submission is to change the zoning of the subject plot of ground from Agricultural to High Density Residential so as to increase the potential of existing Residentially zoned lands and to allow for road widening of the existing School Road under any potential development of such lands.
It is requested that the subject site is rezoned from 'Low Density Residential' to 'Residential'
That the cycle routes be designed according to journeys that people will actually want to make, rather than what can be done with the minimum of disruption to motorists.
"A change of zoning of the plot of lands comprised within Folio: GY55934, Plan 19563_2 from Agricultural to either Low Density Residential or High Density Residential.
Request to Rezone Lands to R at Newcastle, Galway
Continuous Paths Increase Zebra Crossings Reduce Crossings Change Culture Improve Cycle Infrastructure Improve / Increase Green Spaces
The creation of high standard, modern skateparks with the view to last maintenance free and sustainable for decades
Young people simply don’t feel that their voice is heard. The decisions, which are made at local level now, are going to greatly affect their future but they can not have any real input on them. Not only do we need a consultation methodology that is more inclusive but also the local government needs to show that they are actually listening and that it is not only a tokenistic exercise. Many youth organisations on the ground are working to support them so what we are asking is to create proper channels where young people can meaningfully interact with local authorities. A first step could be the creation of a seat for young people at the Climate Action, Environment, Recreation & Amenity SPC as happened already in Wicklow County Council.
The purpose of this submission is to change the zoning of part of Folio GY104263F measuring 1.1801 hectares in area: from “Zoning Objective LAP – Local Area Plan for Ardaun and Murrough” to Low Density Residential as an extension of the existing Coolagh Village so as to accommodate 4No. family homes for his daughter Amy and his sons Brian, Eoin & Dara and their extended families all of whom are currently in rented accommodation. His daughter Amy and his sons Brian, Eoin & Dara were born into the family home at Coolagh, Castlegar with strong ties to the Castlegar area and all are eager to remain in the Coolagh Village and the parish of Castlegar when setting up their own homes.
In view of the comments and observations above the City Development Plan 2023 - 2029 should include the following statement: “In cooperation with the statutory agencies that have legally defined responsibilities for Ireland’s rivers and canals the Galway City Council will create a strategic plan for Galway’s waterways that expresses the will of the people for this unique resource, as described in the Public Realm Strategy and in the Blue Space comments in section 5.5 of the draft City Development Plan, 2023 - 2029. It will be created in a waterway’s forum comprising representatives of the Local Authority, the responsible agencies, and the public. The organisation of this forum in no way presumes the legal functions of agencies such as the OPW, IFI, NPWS, Irish Water, and the LCNT, nor of the executive functions of the Local Authority. It is to be understood as an expression of the wishes of the people of Galway for their waterways and as input into the other responsible agencies”
Shelter for bus travellers
To Change the zoning on a plot of redundant agricultural land, area = 0.756 hectares, to Low Density Residential to enable the construction of family dwellings.
Please see attached written submission
The Fort Lorenzo Residents Association are requesting that a pedestrian right of way is established from Carraig Ard, Fort Lorenzo through Cuan na Coille, Fort Lorenzo to the Bishop O’Donnell Road at the point where existing pedestrian entrances exist, approximately 40m from the traffic lights. This will provide access to/from Bar Na Carriage, Carriag Ard & Bru Na Mara, see the attached document for more information and helpful diagram and images.
To include two specific objectives in the development plan to ensure proposed developments in the area carry out an assessment of potential impacts on the amenity value of the walkway.