Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029 Material Alterations

Closed8 Sep, 2022, 09:00 - 6 Oct, 2022, 16:00

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Draft Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029
Proposed Material Alterations

The Draft Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029, the associated environmental assessments (Strategic Environmental Assessment Report, Natura Impact Report and Strategic Flood Risk Assessment) and the Chief Executive’s Report on submissions received during the Draft Plan consultation stage were considered at Council meetings held on the 4th July 2022, 6th July 2022, 8th July 2022, 13th July 2022, 15th July 2022, 18th July 2022, 20th July 2022, 21st July 2022, 22nd July 2022.

Following consideration, Council Members by resolution decided that the draft development plan should be amended. In total 184 proposed material alterations to the draft plan were confirmed.

Under the provisions of the Planning Act 2000 as amended, the proposed material alterations are required to be put on public display for a period of not less than 4 weeks, from Thursday, 8th September 2022 to Thursday, 6th October 2022, inclusive.  Submissions/observations are invited from the public during this period.

Proposed Material Alterations

The Material Alterations Report details the proposed material alterations to the Draft Galway City Development Plan written statement and maps. This report should be read in conjunction with the Draft Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029.

The Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029, accompanying maps and associated environmental assessments are available for inspection from Thursday 8th September to Thursday 6th October 2022, inclusive. Copies of the documents are available to view online at and  and at the following locations during normal opening hours:

  • Planning Office, Galway City Council, College Road, Galway,
  • Galway City Library
  • Westside Library
  • Ballybane  Library

As part of the public consultation, the Development Plan Team are available to discuss any aspect of the Proposed Material Alterations to the Draft Plan, by appointment. They can be contacted by email -  or by phone - 091 536599.

Making written submissions/observations

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposed material alterations to the Draft Development Plan (including addendum to SEA Environmental Report, amended Natura Impact Report and SFRA) must be made in writing by 4pm on Thursday 6th October 2022.

Written submissions/observations can be made

  • Using the online submission portal following registration at,
  • By email to and
  • By post to Senior Planner, Planning Department, City Hall, College Road, Galway, H91 X4K8.

Submissions/observations should have a title of Proposed Material Alterations to Draft Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029 and should indicate the relevant reference number indicated in Material Alterations Report. Submissions should state your name, address and where relevant, the body or organisation represented. Please make your submission/observation in one form only i.e. online, by email or hard copy by post.

It should be noted that only submissions/observations relating to the proposed material alterations to the Draft Development Plan can be taken into consideration at this stage of the Development Plan making process and that submissions/observations that raise issues other than the proposed material alterations cannot be considered.

Next stages of the Development Plan process

After the public consultation period on the proposed material alterations, a report will be prepared by the Chief Executive on the written submissions/observations received. Similar to previous Chief Executive’s Reports this will list the persons/bodies who made submissions/observations, summarise the issues raised and give the Chief Executive’s response and recommendation.

The Members of the Council will then consider the proposed material alterations, the environmental assessments and the Chief Executive’s Report. Following on from this they will make the Development Plan for the City with or without the proposed material alteration. At this stage any modification to a proposed material alteration may only be made where it is minor in nature and would not have significant effects on the environment or adversely affect the integrity of a European Site. A modification cannot be made where it relates to an increase in the area of land zoned for any purpose or where it relates to an addition or deletion from the record of protected structures.

It is anticipated that the final Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029 will be adopted byMembers of the City Council in November/December 2022. The new plan will come into operation within 6 weeks of adoption.

Data protection

Please note that all valid submissions/observations received by the Council will be published on the Galway City Council website and will form part of the Chief Executive’s Report on submissions/observations received. Galway City Council is subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act, 2014, the Data Protection  Act,  2018  and to the  General  Data  Protection  Regulations  (GDPR). Data will only be processed in  accordance  with the   aforementioned  legislation. The   Privacy   Statement   for   the management of submissions made during this public consultation process can be found here on this Portal – 

Galway City Council’s privacy policy is available here -

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