Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report

Closed28 Feb, 2022, 09:00 - 13 Apr, 2022, 23:59

Cover of draft strategic environmental assessment report

Galway City Council as the competent authority, has prepared the Draft Galway City Development Plan (GCDP) 2023-2029. In accordance with the requirements of EU and national legislation on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has been prepared. This is the Non-Technical Summary of the SEA Environmental Report. The purpose of this environmental report is to:  

  • Inform the development of the GCDP 2023-2029;
  • Identify describe and evaluate the likely significant effects of the GCDP 2023-2029 Plan and its reasonable alternatives; and
  • Provide an opportunity for the statutory authorities and the public to offer views on any aspect of this environmental report and accompanying GCDP 2023-2029 through consultation.



Errors in the Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment
Save Roscam CLG, Rosshill Road, Galway, H91 R8XD   Wednesday 13 April 2022,   Re: Draft SEA – Errors   Dear...
11th March 2022                              ...