The Cross Street Rejuvenation Project

Closed9 Sep, 2024, 15:20 - 7 Oct, 2024, 11:59

This consultation has now finished.  All future updates related to the Cross Street Rejuvenation Project are now available on the Galway City Council website.”


Cross Street Rejuvenation Project

Galway City Council, in conjunction with the National Transport Authority and the Department of Housing’s Urban Regeneration Development Fund, are pleased to announce the commencement of the Cross Street Rejuvenation Project.  

Galway City Council’s Urbanism and Placemaking team have appointed BDP (Building Design Partnership) as the lead architect of the Multi-Disciplinary Design team for the design of redevelopment works on Cross Street, Middle Street, Buttermilk Lane and Buttermilk Walk in the city centre. 

The project aims to enhance the public realm of these streets, in line with the strategic objectives of Galway City Council’s Public Realm Strategy.  This will lift the quality of the streetscape and achieve a level of consistency in the design approach.

The scheme will also prioritise safety for pedestrians and cyclists, encouraging a modal shift away from private car use.  This will help to reduce congestion in the city centre, offering users the health benefits of active travel and cutting greenhouse gas emissions.  The design development will also seek to incorporate further measures to protect the environment including Sustainable Urban Drainage and Nature Based Solutions, where feasible.

These improvements to the city centre network will support a living city, enhance the walkability of the city centre, add to the character of streetscape, and allow for a continuous experience of high-quality streets for visitors.  

This project is at the early stages of the design phase.  As part of our initial fact-finding stage and to begin to form design options, Galway City Council held a series of Stakeholder Engagement Workshops in An Taibhdhearc, Middle Street, Galway in August 2024.  The feedback received during these workshops will inform the design process and further consultations will take place.

If you have any questions or comments related to this scheme, please contact Galway City Council’s Urbanism and Placemaking Team on or on 091 536400.


1 submission has raised observations relating to this consultation.


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